Monday, June 8, 2009


Hey everybody and welcome to the most innovative addition to In Our Own Voice in history!!!! Well, maybe not that. But it's darned innovative for us. Big thanks to Logan Black and Teresa Godsey for helping make the conference calls and social networking a reality.

We will be posting blog issues twice a week, usually on Monday and Friday. The issues posted could be questions, topics for you to weigh in on or just general stuff to talk about. I want to encourage each of you to invite other presenters whose email addresses you know to be friends with NAMI TN IOOV. This is a terrific way to keep in touch and to share ideas.

So today's query: What is one message from your own experiences that you feel can lift someone up and give them hope?

Please respond and let's talk!


1 comment:

  1. YAY I am so glad to have this blog. I think it is a GREAT idea.

